Top 20 Linux commands That are Useful for Ethical Hackers
  1. pwd (Print Working Directory): Shows the current directory.
  2. ls (List): Lists files and directories in the current location.
  3. cd (Change Directory): Changes the current directory.
  4. cp (Copy): Copies files or directories.
  5. mv (Move): Moves files or directories.
  6. rm (Remove): Deletes files or directories.
  7. nano or vi (Text Editors): Opens a text editor to create or modify files.
  8. cat (Concatenate): Displays the contents of a file.
  9. grep (Global Regular Expression Print): Searches for a specific pattern in files.
  10. ps (Process Status): Displays information about running processes.
  11. kill (Terminate Process): Ends a specified process.
  12. ifconfig (Interface Configuration): Shows information about network interfaces.
  13. netstat (Network Statistics): Displays network connections and routing tables.
  14. nmap (Network Mapper): Scans for open ports and services on a network.
  15. chmod (Change Mode): Modifies file permissions.
  16. chown (Change Owner): Changes the owner of a file or directory.
  17. sudo (Superuser Do): Executes a command with superuser privileges.
  18. ssh (Secure Shell): Connects to a remote server securely.
  19. curl and wget (Download Files): Downloads files from the internet.
  20. tar (Tape Archive): Compresses and decompresses files.

These commands are fundamental for ethical hacking on Linux systems. Understanding how to navigate the file system, manage processes, and interact with networks is crucial for ethical hackers to perform various tasks. Keep in mind that ethical hacking requires a deep understanding of the systems and networks you are working with, as well as strict adherence to legal and ethical guidelines.

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